The agenda of each meeting will be posted on our website one week before the meeting date. Members may submit questions anytime through our website and receive an answer at the next Board of Directors Meeting.
All members will be required to sign in upon entry.
General comments must be held until the open forum and addressed from the podium. Questions or comments will not be taken from the floor.
Any comments regarding personal assessments or violations will be held in a closed session after the meeting has adjourned. Please request a closed session at sign-in.
Members are required to be respectful. The ability to address the board does not give members the right to shout, use profanity or make obscene or threatening remarks. Members who engage in such behavior may be removed from the meeting.
During the open forum, each member will be limited to five (5) minutes to address the Board. While the Board will entertain general questions and comments, all questions may not be immediately answered or answerable without further review. Your patience is appreciated.
Revised: 2/28/23