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Q&A - Board of Directors Meeting, September 19, 2022

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

Q: Who is on the Board? Can you get name tags?

A: Liz Grady (President), Nauteia Brass (Vice President), Derrick Mainor (Treasurer), Barb Will-Henn (Secretary), and Keisha Barber (Director). This information is consistently kept up to date on our website as well.

We will look into having name tags or nameplates made for the next Board of Directors meeting to help identify each director.

Q: What happened to the large pool sail? Can the sails stay up through winter?

A: The pool sails were removed last year after the pool season. We believe the damage to the large sail occurred with the reinstallation this spring. The large sail was replaced under warranty and will be installed in spring 2023 at no cost to the Association.

The manufacturer recommends removing the fabric when wind speed is expected to exceed 105 mph or snow load is expected to exceed 5 pounds per square foot, per International Building Code (IBC) 2012.

We have spoken to other organizations in Joliet that have installed the same shade structures and do not remove the sails for winter. We have also reached out to the manufacturer for best practices. The Board will determine the best solution based on the findings and decide how to proceed moving forward.

Q: What does the lifeguard service include?

A: The lifeguard service includes a long list of duties and services required for the pool to operate. The Clubhouse pool is regulated by the Illinois Department of Public Health and must abide by all rules and regulations issued by the State.

Like all of our vendors, they do not provide a breakdown of the cost for each specific task. Our contract from this past pool season included: staffing the pool, summer start-up, preparing the deck and furniture, lifeguard staff, lifeguard payroll & employment taxes, chemicals, completing state health forms, testing & maintain water quality, maintaining daily water records, advising of necessary repairs, maintaining the facility and locker rooms, and winterization of the pool.

The Board will explore alternative solutions outside a lifeguard service and compare all related costs in operating the Clubhouse pool. The Board will determine what works best for the community as a whole after all the options have been fully researched. The results will be determined at a Board of Directors meeting in early 2023. All homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend as always.

Q: What are the responsibilities of the Operations Manager?

A: The Operations Manager is responsible for all marketing and communications, including the Association website, social networks, and email marketing. Along with compiling and maintaining all homeowner communications. Oversees operations of the rental facility, including procurement of building supplies and management of the online booking system. Acts as a liaison between all vendors and the Board of Directors. Reviews all architectural applications to ensure compliance with CC&Rs. Processes pool applications along with data management of the door system. Obtains quotes from vendors and negotiates contracts. Supervise contractors for compliance and quality of work. Compiles and maintains required documents for the Crime Free leasing program. Performs research for all projects and improvements of the Association, along with all other related duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

Q: Do homeowners have access to the Clubhouse?

A: Yes. Any homeowner may request to reserve the Clubhouse at no charge for community events. Such events could be a neighborhood book club, bunko party, family game night, yoga, or any other community event you wish. The event must be open to all homeowners to be inclusive to everyone in the community and not promote a good or service. We ask that the event be open to everyone, not to be a deterrent, but to be fair to all homeowners in the community who wish to use the Clubhouse.

Q: Can the Associaton install speed bumps or street signs?

A: No, the Association does not own, maintain nor govern the streets in Lakewood Praire. We reached out to the City of Joliet and were instructed for homeowners to complete a CitizenVue request via the city website or app with a specific address or location of the problem. The more requests that are submitted will increase the chance of action.

Q: How much influence do homeowners have on decisions being of items purchased, such as landscaping or items for the Clubhouse?

A: We are always open to suggestions! We consult with trained professionals and staff to make recommendations that work best for the Association. The Board then makes a decision or requests more options. Options are vetted based on the need and the projected length of service of the item. All while maintaining an aesthetic balance, whether in or outside the Clubhouse. Landscaping experts make recommendations based on several environmental factors to ensure a quality product and the best possible result. If you have a suggestion or recommendation, feel free to contact us!

Have another question? Please contact us at:


Lakewood Prairie Homeowners Association

Board of Directors

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